
“Musicians and Resistance to Fascism in Italy”, Wiener Jahrbuch für Jüdische Geschichte Kultur Et Museumswesen, 8 (2008), 68-84.

“Alfredo Casella and the Montjoie! Affair”, Repercussions, 10 (Spring 2007), 91-118.

“Casella, Canudo, Stravinsky e l’affaire Montjoie!”, Arkete, 2:2 (2006), 37-53.

“Lo ‘spazio’ dell’interprete-mannequin”, Konsequenz, n.s. 13-14 (2006), 17-19.

Conferenze e presentazioni/Conferences and Presentations

“The Modern Interpreter: Alfredo Casella and the 1930s Italian Debate on Musical Interpretation”, AMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis (2010).

“The Freedom of (Musical) Interpretation: Massimo Mila vis-à-vis Fascist and Communist (Musical) Ideologies”, RMA Study Day “Music after Fascism: Cultural Rebuilding in post-war Europe”, University of York (2008).

“D’Annunzio, Casella and the Italian Premiere of Pierrot lunaire”, International Conference “Music, Oppression and Exile: The Impact of Nazism on Musical Development in the 20
th Century”, University of London (2008).

“Casella, Canudo, Stravinsky and the Montjoie! Affair”, Colloquia of the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Music (2005).

“Casella, Canudo, Stravinsky and the Montjoie! Affair”, International Conference “From Fin de Siècle to Fascism”, St. John’s College, Oxford (2004).